
Claim for Foreign Workers Medical

Foreign Workers Medical Claim Process

Each claim is different, let us guide you through your claim:


Fill up Liberty’s medical claim form

Please fill in Liberty's medical claim form and mail all original documents such as tax invoices and medical documents to Liberty at 51 Club Street Liberty House Singapore 069428.



Process claims

Upon receive of Liberty’s medical claim form and all original copies of medical bills, we will proceed to process your claims in estimated 14 working days. 



Upon approval, we will proceed to pay your claims in estimated 7 working days via GIRO. 


Process claims

Upon receiving all original copies of pre and post medical bills with completed medical claim form, we will proceed to process your claims in estimated 14 working days.

Your top questions, answered

  1. Can a medical claim be submitted if worker was admitted in hospital or underwent surgery as a result of industrial accident?

  2. Will treatment before and after worker’s admission/surgery be payable?

  3. Can worker seek treatment overseas?

  4. What is the grace period to submit a claim?

  5. Do you cover the cost of obtaining medical certificates needed to support the claim?

  6. What is Pro Ration factor?

  7. What is a Special Grant benefit?

  8. Can I email Liberty the scanned claim documents for the officer to process the claim